Date:2020.08.28 viewed:228

Title: Supply Chain Management (short-term course)


This is an introductory course for graduate students for how to do research on supply chain using game theoretical model. I will go through what is supply chain, and double marginalization / incentive misalignment. I will also teach about competition and channel structure. Moreover, I will teach students about vertically differentiated utility model and horizontally differentiated utility model. Finally, I will introduce the concept of co-opetition (competition / cooperation) in the form of supplier encroachment. Throughout the course, I will use the software Mathematica. 

The objective of this course is not only to teach students how to derive mathematical result, but also to teach how to write academic papers in English.  I will have several writing exercises, asking students how to fish for the results, and then to explain the results, in the format of what, why, so-what (what is the result, why there is such kind of result, so what does it mean to a manager).  The final project of the course is an academic paper. To prepare the students for this exercise, I will teach the students how to write an abstract, what to include in the introduction and literature review, and how to explain the results clearly.


1. Introduction; mathematica basic; simple one firm supply chain with zero production cost.

2. One tier supply chain

3. Two tier supply chain

4. Three tier supply chain

5. Competition

6. Simultaneous sequential game

7. Two tier competition

8. Horizontal model

9. Vertical model

10. Research presentation

11. How to write

Lecturer: Hubert Pun

Date/Time: 08:00 – 11:30AM, 31 Aug, 2020

Location: Tencent Conference ID: 39003978319 (QQ Group No.: 687718996)

Brief introduction of the lecturer: 

Hubert Pun is an assistant professor and the PhD program coordinator of the Management Science area group at the Ivey Business School (Western University). He graduated from the Kelley School of Business (Indiana University) in 2010, where he completed his PhD in Operations Management and Decision Sciences. He joined the Ivey Business School in 2010 and has taught in the undergraduate, MBA and Ph.D. programs. In the last couple of years, he has been awarded Ivey Dean’s Teaching Commendation Letters (top 10% Ivey faculty) and the University Students’ Council Teaching Honor Roll. His research interests include marketing/operations interface, co-opetitive supply chain management, and healthcare operations management. He has published in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (M&SOM), Production and Operations Management (POM), Journal of Operations Management (JOM), European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), Naval Research Logistics (NRL), Decision Sciences (DS), etc. Currently, he is serving as an associate editor at the International Journal of Production Research (IJPR).


Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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