Date:2019.11.28 viewed:236

Title: An Introduction to Fintech as a Disruptive Technology


The spread of the so-called disruptive technologies, with reference to the prior set-up framework, for instance in the banking sector, is radically changing the connotations of financial markets, as these new technologies gain success. This is a short introduction to Fintech and how it is going to change the financial world.

Lecturer: Maurizio Pompella

Date/Time: 16:00 – 17:00PM, 2 Dec, 2019

Location: Room 702, CEM Building, Jiangjun Rd. Campus

Brief introduction of the lecturer:

Maurizio Pompella is a Full Professor of Financial Intermediaries Economics at the University of Siena, School of Economics and Management (SEM), Italy. He is currently Dean of the MSc in Economics and Management of Financial Intermediaries. In November 2014 he was certified as Stand-by Professor at the LUISS - Guido Carli University in Rome as well, and since 2015-16 he has been a Visiting Professor and PhD Supervisor at LSU-NN (Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod), and Visiting Professor at SibFU (Siberian Federal University, Krasnojarsk), Russian Federation. Maurizio also is in charge of a course at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, since 2012, and is serving as an Adjunct Professor at OMSU (Ogarev Mordovia State University of Saransk, RF).

His areas of expertise/interest include Financial Intermediaries Economics, Insurance Economics, Structured Finance and Innovation, Financial Stability, Alternative Risk Transfer, Fintech and Blockchain, Banking and Monetary Economics, Finance, and Project Finance. He has been serving as a book reviewer for the Journal of Risk and Insurance, published by ARIA – American Risk and Insurance Association, contributes to the ARIA Newsletter, and he is Editor of the Palgrave Studies in Risk and Insurance. Apart from Palgrave, he is serving as reviewer for Economic Modelling, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, and the Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance. He is also on the Editorial Board of Review of Business (St. John’s University New York, US), the Vestnik of LSU (Nizhniy Novgorod, Russian Federation), EKONOMIKA (Vilnius University, LT), and Business, Management and Education (Gediminas Technical University Vilnius, LT).


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