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时间:2023-12-09作者: 审核: 来源:威尼斯wns·8885566点击:236




1)题目:Pursuing Frontiers of Machine Learning:  From Conceptualization To Deployment

报告人:Witold Pedrycz(加拿大埃德蒙顿阿尔伯塔大学)


Over the recent years, we have been witnessing spectacular achievements of Machine Learning (ML) with highly visible accomplishments encountered, in particular, in natural language processing and computer vision impacting numerous areas of human endeavours. Driven inherently by the technologically advanced learning and architectural developments, Machine Learning constructs are highly impactful coming with far reaching consequences; just to mention autonomous vehicles, control, health care imaging, decision-making in critical areas, among others. The objective of this talk is to elaborate on the key technical and non-technical issues that have surfaced in the course of the developments of new architectures of ML and expanding a spectrum of their applications. Whereas the technical stumbling blocks are relatively well identified and intensively researched, there is a sphere of equally important non-technical quests. We focus our discussion on identifying, formulating  and discussing the main challenges including (i) explainability and interpretability, (ii) credibility and self-awareness of results generated by ML constructs, (iii) privacy, and (iv) sustainable computing. We demonstrate which key pursuits have been put forward on the agenda of interpretable AI (XAI) and have made their way to the list of goals of Green AI. Furthermore, we discuss a promising direction of knowledge-directed (informed) ML.


Witold Pedrycz(IEEE终身研究员)是加拿大埃德蒙顿阿尔伯塔大学电气与计算机工程系教授。他还在波兰华沙的波兰科学院系统研究所工作,是波兰科学院的外籍成员,也是加拿大皇家学会的研究员。他获得了多项奖项,包括IEEE系统、人类和控制论学会颁发的Norbert Wiener奖、IEEE加拿大计算机工程奖章、欧洲软计算中心颁发的Cajastur软计算奖、IEEE计算智能学会颁发的Killam奖、模糊先锋奖,以及IEEE系统人类和控制学学会颁发的2019年功勋服务奖。他的主要研究方向包括计算智能、粒度计算和机器学习等。 Pedrycz教授担任《信息科学》主编、《WIRE数据挖掘与知识发现》(Wiley)主编,以及《粒度计算国际杂志》(Springer)和《数据信息与管理杂志》(Spring)的联合主编。

2)题目:Hybrid Attacks Design on Cyber-physical Systems

报告人:Peng Shi(澳大利亚阿德莱德大学)


Cyber-physical systems (CPS), such as smart grids and intelligent transportation systems, are complex systems where software and hardware components are seamlessly integrated towards performing well-defined tasks. However, this integration increases the vulnerability of CPS with more chances/higher possibility of cyber-attack that could cause severe consequences to economics, society, and human beings. Hence, cyber-security is a critical and important issue to be addressed in CPS. In this talk, the security of CPS is discussed from the perspectives of attackers. We will introduce the background of CPS and security issues, and some existing work on cyber-attacks. We then present our recent work on the design of stealthy hybrid attacks to CPS, which enables attackers to launch hybrid cyber-attacks more effectively to maximize system performance degradation with less chance to be detected. In turn, the attack strategies proposed would challenge the defenders to develop more effective, efficient and resilient methodologies to possibly detect hackers intrusions, and maintain the systems operating in a secure, reliable and desired mode.


彭石,获得过澳大利亚纽卡斯尔大学电气工程博士学位、南澳大利亚大学数学博士学位、英国格拉摩根大学理学博士学位、澳大利亚阿德莱德大学工程博士学位。他现在是澳大利亚阿德莱德大学电气与机械工程学院的杰出教授和高级无人系统实验室主任。研究兴趣包括系统和控制理论以及在自主和机器人系统、网络物理系统和多智能体系统中的应用。2019-2023年获得《澳大利亚研究评论》终身成就排行榜和领域领导者的荣誉,自2014年以来连续获得汤森路透高度引用研究员的认可。2023年,他获得了国际工程技术研究所颁发的Ramesh Agarwal科学、工程和技术终身成就奖,2022年获得了澳大利亚工程师协会颁发的MA Sargent奖章;目前,他担任《IEEE控制论汇刊》的主编、《IEEE Access》的高级编辑,以及多份期刊的编辑成员,包括《自动化》和《IEEE人工智能与电路与系统汇刊》。他还担任国际系统与控制论科学院院长(2021-)、IEEE SMC协会副主席(2021-2022)和IEEE SMC协会杰出讲师(2020-)。

3)题目:The Whiplash Effect in Global Supply Chain Under Disruption: Congestion Dissipation and Mitigation In A Circulatory System



The pandemic witnessed a significant increase in port congestion, leading to shipping delays and rising costs for shippers. We build a fluid model to investigate how disruptions at one port can affect the disrupted port and its counterpart in another country in a circulatory system where a stream of fleets transport goods back and forth between the two ports. Port disruption leads to two types of congestion: the inbound backlog, which occurs when ships are unable to enter the disrupted port, and the outbound backlog, which arises when goods are unable to be loaded onto ships for transport to other ports. We provide an analytical expression for the recovery time of the system of two ports (from when the disruption ends to when the system goes back to normal) and track the evolution of backlogs of goods and ships during the recovery process. We identify a whiplash effect in the outbound backlog level at both ports, which bears a resemblance to the commonly known “bullwhip effect”. Notably, the whiplash effect manifests in three primary features, namely oscillation, attenuation, and lag. Furthermore, we extend our analysis to a network of ports and show that the key findings and insights derived from the two-port model still hold in the multi-port bipartite system. This finding confirms that, despite its parsimony, the two-port system sufficiently captures the impact of port disruptions. We also extend the fluid model to a diffusion approximation model. Finally, we apply machine learning techniques to predict the time that vessels spend in the Shanghai port and show that our proposed model reduces prediction errors compared to the benchmark, demonstrating the potential and power of our model in helping to predict and mitigate the impact of disruptions in a circulatory transportation system, e.g., those in container shipping and air traveling industries.


胡明,多伦多大学杰出商业运营与分析教授,罗特曼管理学院运营管理教授,亚马逊学者。他被评为2018年最佳40位40岁以下商学院教授之一。他的研究被主流媒体如英国《金融时报》所报道,曾获得了POM协会颁发的Wickham Skinner早期职业研究成就奖(2016年)和INFORMS颁发的管理科学最佳运营管理论文奖(2017年)。目前担任《海军研究后勤》主编、《服务科学》部门编辑、《作战研究》、《管理科学》和《制造与服务作战管理》副主编以及《生产与作战管理》高级编辑。他是INFORMS收入管理和定价(RMP)部门的前主席,于2003年获得布朗大学应用数学硕士学位,2009年获得哥伦比亚大学运筹学博士学位。最近,他的研究重点是双边市场、共享经济、社会购买、众筹和众包背景下的运营管理,目的是充分利用运营决策,造福社会。


4)题目:New Developments In Group Collaboration and Decision Making


报告人:GJ de Vreede(南佛罗里达大学)


Intelligent AI-based systems are being increasingly integrated into work practices, resulting in the emergence of hybrid teams comprised of both human and AI-based participants. In this study, we examine the impact of social presence on collaborative processes in hybrid human-AI teams. We conducted three empirical studies to investigate the relationship between social presence and willingness to rely on a teammate, team-oriented commitment, and motivation to contribute. Drawing on social presence theory and the theory of planned behavior, our results show that social presence has a significant influence on behavioral intentions, particularly motivation to contribute to a team. Further, we demonstrate that increasing familiarity and understandability of the AI-based team member can improve the impact of social presence on these behavioral intentions. Our findings contribute to the understanding of human-AI collaboration in the social presence research, highlighting the importance of considering social and interpersonal processes in hybrid teams. Results have important managerial implications for organizations looking to adopt AI-based systems for collaboration activities.


Gert-Jan De Vreede,南佛罗里达大学(USF)的教授,Muma商学院的临时院长,也是信息系统与管理学院的教授,现任《Group Decision & Negotiation》主编、《AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction》高级编辑、《Information & Management》副主编,夏威夷系统科学国际会议主席。他的研究方向包含人工智能、众包与网络协作。学术成果丰硕,著作被引用超1万次,在他的整个职业生涯中,他作为(联合)首席调查员从联邦、州、工业、军事和私人来源获得了超过650万美元的资助。他的h因子使他进入了该学科有史以来的前100名。斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的一项研究将他确定为全球所有研究领域中排名前2%的研究员。2011年,他获得了由INFORMS Group Decision & Negotiation Section颁发的GDN Section奖,以表彰他在群决策和协作研究领域以及INFORMS GDN Section的成就和贡献。

5)题目:My Experience as EIC of OMEGA 

报告人:Benjamin Lev(德雷塞尔大学) 


Although as academicians we all carry the burden and difficulties of publishing scientific papers, it also brings great feelings of accomplishment to have these published works with our names on them.  It is never easy even for an experienced researcher but might be very challenging for newcomers. In this presentation, we will take you behind the scenes and demystify the process by looking at submissions from the Editor-in-Chief’s point of view. Over the last 22 years we have processed over 25,000 manuscripts and only 10% were accepted. What are the characteristics of those select successful ones? Do they have anything in common? We will discuss the evolution of OMEGA over the last 22 years, trends in submissions, acceptance rate and Impact Factor, Editorial Advisory Board structure, responsibilities, and manuscript flaw. As an EIC I am looking at title, abstract, key words, paper, examples, conclusions, references, appendices, cover letter and similarity index. Finally, we will discuss revised papers. At the end of the presentation the audience will have a better understanding of the review process and how to succeed in submission papers.


Benjamin Lev是管理科学研究所(TIMS)和运营研究与管理科学研究院(INFORMS)的前会议副总裁;自2003年起担任INFORMS研究员。Lev在凯斯西储大学攻读博士学位之前,曾在以色列理工学院获得机械和工业工程学位。在获得博士学位后,加入了宾夕法尼亚州费城的坦普尔大学伍斯特理工学院,马萨诸塞州密歇根大学迪尔伯恩分校,现任宾夕法尼亚州费城德雷塞尔大学教授。自2002年以来,他一直担任国际管理科学杂志OMEGA的主编,并在其他几个期刊编辑委员会任职(INFORMS JAA(前身为Interfaces)、IAOR、ORPJ、Financial Innovation、OPSEARCH、IDIM、IIE Transactions、ERRJ、INFORMS JOR)。

6)题目:XIMEA-DRSA: A New Interactive and Explainable Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Method

报告人:Roman Słowiński(波兹南工业大学)


XIMEA-DRSA is a new interactive evolutionary multiobjective optimization method guided by preferences of the user modeled in terms of “if ..., then ...” decision rules. Besides guiding the search process, the decision rules can be read as arguments explaining the user’s preferences. In this way, the user has a chance to understand how their assessment of a small sample of solutions in the preference elicitation phase is translated into guidelines for the algorithm in the optimization phase. This is a distinctive aspect of an eXplainable Interactive Multiobjective Evolutionary optimization Approach (XIMEA). Decision rules are induced from the preference information using the Dominance-based Rough Set Approach (DRSA). XIMEA-DRSA was tested on benchmark problems, both continuous and combinatorial ones, showing a very good performance.


Roman Słowiński,波兰科学院院士、欧洲科学院院士、IEEE (电气和电子工程师协会)院士、国际粗糙集学会院士、波兰信息科学院主席、波兹南工业大学教授、波兹南工业大学智能决策支持系统实验室的联合主席之一,2019-2022年任波兰科学院副院长,现担任《European Journal of Operational Research》(EJOR)主编。2005年波兰科学基金会奖和2023年德国洪堡研究奖获得者。研究方向包括多准则决策、粗糙集理论、偏好建模、鲁棒性问题研究、有序数据挖掘等,并将运筹学与人工智能相结合用于决策辅助。出版16本著作500多篇论文,其中300多篇论文在主要科技杂志发表,文章Hirsch指数高达93,被引次数超过10次的文章指数高达314,总引用超过33971次。


7)题目:Autonomous Machine Learning for Decision Support in Complex Environments

报告人:Jie Lu(悉尼科技大学(University of Technology Sydney))


The talk will present how machine learning can innovatively and effectively learn from data to support data-driven decision-making in uncertain and dynamic situations. A set of new autonomous transfer learning theories, methodologies and algorithms will be presented that can transfer knowledge learnt in more source domains to a target domain by building latent space, mapping functions and self-training to overcome tremendous uncertainties in data, learning processes and decision outputs. Another set of autonomous concept drift theories, methodologies and algorithms will be discussed about how to handle ever-changing dynamic data stream environments with unpredictable stream pattern drifts by effectively and accurately detecting concept drift in an explanatory way, indicating when, where and how concept drift occurs and reacting accordingly. These new developments enable advanced machine learning and therefore enhance data-driven prediction and decision support systems in uncertain and dynamic real-world environments.


Jie Lu,澳大利亚悉尼科技大学教授,研究方向有模糊迁移学习、概念漂移、推荐系统和决策支持系统。她是国际电气与电子工程师协会(IEEE)会士、国际模糊系统协会(IFSA)会士和澳大利亚杰出学者,是澳大利亚悉尼科技大学澳大利亚人工智能研究所所长,是《Knowledge-Based Systems》和《International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems》主编。在国际顶级期刊和会议上发表了500多篇论文,指导了50名博士生完成学业;赢得了10个澳大利亚研究委员会发现项目和20多个行业项目;是公认的主题演讲人,在国际会议上发表了40多次主题演讲。获得了两项IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems的杰出论文奖(2019年和2022年)、NeurIPS2022杰出论文奖、澳大利亚最具创新力工程师奖(2019年)、澳大利亚和新西兰人工智能杰出研究贡献奖(2022年)、新南威尔士州总理科学与工程奖(2023年)和以及2023年澳大利亚日的澳大利亚勋章官员。


8)题目:The Grey Relational Analysis Models of Reverse Sequences



The author has been exploring the grey relational analysis models of reverse sequences for 40 years and finally achieved the result as follows: The definition of reverse sequences has been given at first based on analysis of relative position and change trend of sequences. Then, several different negative grey relational analysis models have been put forward. The properties of the new models have been studied. As a living example, the reverse incentive effect of winning Fields Medal on the research output of winners is measured by the negative grey similarity relational analysis model.




9)题目:Signaling Quality with Return Insurance: Theory and Empirical Evidence


报告摘要:In this talk, we will examine an innovative return policy, return insurance, emerging on various shopping platforms such as Taobao.com and JD.com. Return insurance is underwritten by an insurer and can be purchased by either a retailer or a consumer. Under such insurance, the insurer partially compensates consumers for their hassle costs associated with product return. We analyze the informational roles of return insurance when product quality is the retailer’s private information, consumers infer quality from the retailer’s price and insurance adoption, and the insurer strategically chooses insurance premiums. We show that return insurance can be an effective signal of high quality. When consumers have little confidence about high quality and expect a significant gap between high and low qualities, a high-quality retailer can be differentiated from a low-quality retailer solely through its adoption of return insurance. We confirm, both analytically and empirically with a data set consisting of more than 10,000 sellers on JD.com, that return insurance is more likely adopted by higher-quality sellers under information asymmetry. Furthermore, we find that the presence of the third party (i.e., the insurer) leads to double marginalization in signaling, which strengthens a signal’s differentiating power and sometimes renders return insurance a preferred signal, in comparison with free return, whereby retailers directly compensate for consumers’ return hassles. As an effective and costly signal of quality, return insurance may also improve consumer surplus and reduce product returns. Its profit advantage to the insurer is most pronounced under significant quality uncertainty. (Joint work with Chong Zhang and Man Yu)









张维,天津大学讲席教授、复旦管理学杰出贡献奖获得者、全国模范教师,教育部“复杂管理系统”(天津大学)哲学社会科学重点实验室主任。他兼任中国管理现代化研究会联职理事长、教育部管理科学与工程教学指导委员会副主任、《管理科学学报》和《Journal of Management Science and Engineering》期刊执行主编等学术职务。他的主要研究领域为金融工程、金融大数据分析、计算实验金融等,主持了包括重大项目在内的多项国家自然科学基金项目,多次获得天津市和教育部哲学社会科学优秀成果一、二等奖。

















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