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时间:2023-10-13作者: 审核: 来源:威尼斯wns·8885566点击:223

报告题目:lmproved coordination of scheduling decisions inthe management of airport airspace and taxiway



报告人:Andrea D’Ariano(Roma Tre University)

报告时间:2023年10月20日 14:00-15:00



This talk addresses the real-time problem of coordinating aircraft ground and air operations in aterminal control area. At congested airports, airborne decisions are related to take-off and landingoperations, while ground (taxiway) decisions consist of scheduling aircrat movements between gateareas and runways. Since runways are the initial/terminal points of both decisions, coordinated actionshave a great potential to improve the overall system performance. However, in traffic control practicethe different decisions are taken by different controllers, at least in large airports. Weak coordinationmay result in long queues at runways, while increasing aircraft delays and energy consumption. Thistalk investigates models, methods and policies for improving the coordination between taxiway andairborne scheduling. The flexibility and potential of alternative graph-based models are discussed withconsideration of air traffic rules and objectives. Advanced aircraft scheduling and routing methods arein terms of aircratt delayintroduced to achieve reliable solutions. The system performance is measuredand heuristc methods areand travel time, the latter being related to the energy consumptionx3Canalysed in combination with different traffic management policies, based on practica-size AmsterdamSchiphol airport instances (in the Netherlands). Our computational results show that near-optimalsolutions can be found within a limited time for real-time operations.


Andrea D’Ariano received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science and Automation Engineering at Roma Tre University. In November 2003, he joined TRAIL Research School and Department of Transport and Planning, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology. In April 2008, he successfully concluded his Ph.D. studies under the supervision of Prof. I.A. Hansen. In 2018 and 2022, he got the Full Professor Italian Scientific Habilitation in Operations Research and Transportation Science. He served as Expert and Rapporteur for European Commission and numerous national research foundations. Currently, he is working as Full Professor in Operations Research at Department of Civil, Computer Science and Aeronautical Technologies Engineering, Roma Tre University. He is the coordinator of the AIRO (Italian Association of Operations Research) Chapter on “Optimization in Public Transport and Shared Mobility”. He is Associate Editor of well-known international journals (e.g., Transportation Research Part B, C, E) and conferences (e.g., IEEE ITSC). His main research interest is the development of novel scheduling and routing methods with application to transportation and logistics. In SCOPUS, he has 125 documents, 4341 citations, and 39 h-index.



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