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时间:2023-09-17作者: 审核: 来源:威尼斯wns·8885566点击:349

报告题目:Does Vertical Environmental Governance Reduce Water Pollution at Borders? Evidence From a Pilot

 Experiment in Shaanxi, China



报告时间:2023年9月21日 14:00-18:00



The debate between environmental centralization and decentralization is centered on trans-boundary pollution, which raises the question of reforming the hierarchy of multi-level environmental governance. To inspire institutional reforms, this pa- per examines a pilot experiment of Vertical Environmental Governance in Shaanxi, China. We use a spatial regression discontinuity design to assess the impact of this reform and test the competing mechanisms, then calculate the associated economic costs and benefits. We found that the VEG reduced firm water pollution emissions by 60% and water pollution intensity by 49% at the provincial border, but not the county borders. It suggests that the VEG led to more profound changes in pollution costs and enforcement behaviors than a uniform policy. Although the reform was implemented through a rigid command and control approach at great economic costs, our calculations show that the health benefits from reducing water pollution still outweigh the substantial economic costs.


郭焕修,法国国家科学研究院国际发展研究中心(CNRS-CERDI)经济学博士,南审“一带一路”国家审计研究院执行院长,绿色经济与金融研究中心主任,南审欧美同学会秘书长,中研绿色金融研究院(南京)特聘行业专家。主要研究领域为绿色经济与金融与全球可持续发展治理。近年来参与和主持国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金面上项目,以及多项江苏省“双碳”园区规划项目。在Journal of Public Economics、Transportation Research Part A、Journal of Comparative Economics、Regional Studies、China Economic Review等国际高水平经济学期刊发表论文20余篇。获得第二届全国青年能源环境政策与管理学术会议优秀论文一等奖、江苏省哲学社会科学界第十五届学术大会优秀论文一等奖和江苏省第十六届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖等奖项。



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