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时间:2023-05-04作者: 审核: 来源:威尼斯wns·8885566点击:468

报告题目:Academic Writing for Engineering Publication: Guide for Non-native English Speakers




报告地点:腾讯会议:470-4749-4821  QQ群:822654377


Writing is more than fluent speaking or a good command of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Writing is a complex task that requires training and practice of many techniques, such as organizing ideas logically, constructing sentences and paragraphs coherently, presenting with appropriate tones, formatting in a stylish manner, and executing in an ethical and professional way. Written communication reveals our intelligence of thinking, ability of using words, level of education, and so forth. Good writers are usually creative people with brilliant ideas, which can help capable writers excel in their career development. Writing skills are important to students’ employability and career advancement. Regardless of your jobs, you might need to write daily. Writing is a great way to extend your voices that conveys your thoughts and ideas to many people in the world. After this training, students can write with clarity and conciseness. They should be able to convey complex technical information in a simple way. Course materials will be presented following writing sequence. It begins with preparation and outline, continues with drafting and revision, and ends with formatting and proofreading. Admittedly, they often relate to each other and overlap without a clear boundary. The following is a brief chart of these three parts:

(1) Ethics and Professionalism

(2) Preparing and Outlining

(3) Drafting (literature review, methodology, results & discussion, conclusions)

(4) Paragraphs

(5) Sentences

(6) Words and Phrases

(7) Punctuation

(8) Finalization (formatting, proofreading and Others)

(9) Other topics upon request


谭忠超(Zhongchao Tan),加拿大滑铁卢大学机械与机电工程系教授,加拿大国家工程院院士,担任《Sustainable Environment Research》和《Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering》等学术杂志副主编。分别于1996年和1999年在清华大学获本科与硕士学位,后于2004年在美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校获博士学位。研究领域为绿色化工、零碳能源、纳米纤维材料等。发表著作5部,学术论文160余篇,指导硕士、博士研究生和博士后50余名。其专著《Academic Writing for Engineering Publication》在2020年5月27日发行后,一度在Kindle Store技术思维与写作书籍类别中名列Amazon.ca排行榜第一。作为加拿大华裔,在美国和加拿大学习和工作了24年之久,非常了解东西方语言和文化的差异,及其对写作的影响。



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