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时间:2019-10-31作者: 审核: 来源:经济管理学院点击:620

报告题目:PLM and knowledge integration for decision making systems


报告人:Alain Bernard(法国南特中央理工大学、法兰西工程院院士)

报告时间:2019年11月15日 10:00



PLM systems are supporting the management of the product information lifecycle. The main challenge is to rely on models and methods that allow managing and reusing the information contained in the PLM system. Models are mostly based on ontologies, and domain ontologies for specific applications. As a matter of fact, the most important reason of PLM creation has been to be able to share the same and coherent information at the same time within the stakeholders. But, what is useful is to organise what is representative of best practices and basic rules that could be used to accelerate the decision making process for all the stakeholders. Knowledge Management is one way to couple what experts know with the information contained in the PLM system. Coupling PLM and KM is applicable in many fields in favor of a better efficiency of practice. After a short introduction, this presentation will introduce some basic models and methods that are fundamental components of PLM systems. Many examples will be presented to show what could be done at different scales and different functional and operational levels.


Prof. A. Bernard graduated in 1982 at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan. He obtained his PhD in 1989, on 3D feature-based manufacturing of forging dies. Then, as an assistant professor, he worked in Ecole Centrale Paris on product, technology and process modelling. He created, in 1991, the rapid prototyping and reverse engineering platform of Ecole Centrale Paris, the CREATE. From September 1996 to October 2001, he has been Professor in CRAN laboratory in Nancy, where he managed a research group on mechanical and production engineering. Since 2001 and up to now, he has been Professor in Ecole Centrale de Nantes. He was the Head of the “Industrial products and systems engineering” department for three years and he has been since 2006 Deputy Director for Research. Concerning his recent research activities, he founded in 2002 and has been for 10 years the head of the “Virtual Engineering for industrial engineering” (IVGI) research team in IRCCyN laboratory, and he is now member of the new IS3P team (Systems Engineering – Products-Processes-Performances) that is an extension of IVGI team.

Prof. A. Bernard has published more than 130 papers in international journals and books. He has presented more than 210 papers during international conferences, including about 25 invited keynotes. Since July 2003, he is scientific adviser at the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Prof. A. Bernard is member of national scientific committees and of professional and scientific international organizations. He is also member of the editorial board of journals (mainly CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology (associate editor), Rapid Prototyping J, IJ PLM (Editor-in-Chief), IJ Product Development, IJ Numerical Engineering, Virtual and Physical Prototyping J, Academic J Manuf. Engineering, IJ Rapid Manufacturing) and reviewer for 15 others. He renewed and is now his vice-chairman of TC5 WG5.1 of IFIP (Global Product Development). He is Fellow of CIRP (International Academy for Production Research) and chairman of CIRP Collaborative Working Group on Additive Manufacturing. He has been elected in 2019 as a Member of the French Academy of Technologies.



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