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时间:2019-03-07作者: 审核: 来源:经济管理学院点击:726

A personal diet decision support system using goal programming models

时间/ 地点:2019年3月14日,上午9:00,将军路校区经管楼704室

Abstract: This study integrates analytic hierarchy process method (AHP), multi-choice goal programming (MCGP) and multi-segment goal programming (MSGP) as a new model to solve the problem of customized suggestions for an exercise plan and diet meals. This study also builds a model-based system for personal diet decision support to solve the selection problem of exercise and diet meals at the same time. This system is intended to help individuals to design daily personal diet menus and exercise suggestions in achieving their weight loss goals and satisfying the requirements of a balanced diet. The proposed decision support system has the following contributions: (1) it provides a customized exercise plan according to the user’s personal needs of exercise preference and time limitation; (2) it allows users to design their daily diet menu according to their individual needs for calories and nutrients; (3) it provides suitable meals according to a user’s nutrition and food preference need at the same time; (4) it records and keeps track of each individual user’s daily diet; (5) it provides related customized suggestions and analytical results to help users better understand their dietary status and (6) it provides the total solution of exercise and meal suggestion for users in order to achieve the goal of weight loss. Compared to the unaided selection processes, the integrated approach of AHP, MCGP and MSGP is a better scientific and efficient method than traditional methods in finding suitable exercise with suitable time, especially under multiple qualitative and quantitative criteria.

        张锦特教授现任长庚大学特聘教授,是国际期刊Mathematical Problem in Engineering (SCI) (Editor), TSWJ和IJBI 等国际期刊副主编。在多个组织中任职,如长庚大学特聘教授兼副教务长、校务研究室主任、企管研究所所长、国立彰化师范大学教授兼图资长 、国立台湾大学国际企业学系兼任教授 、崇右科技大学教授兼副校长。主要研究方向:决策理论与技术、信息集成理论、模糊数学与优化算法等研究,系统地创建了多准则目标规划(MCGP)理论方法体系,并把上述成果成功应用于企业运营管理、再生能源、医疗管理等复杂问题的建模与决策,公认为多目标/多准则决策(MODM/MCDM)领域的国际知名学者。获得过多项科技奖励及荣誉称号,如2008 年科技部杰出研究奖 、2002 年科技部吴大猷先生纪念奖等。在Renewable & Sustainable Energy Review、IEEE FS, IEEE/ACM Networking、 OMEGA、EJOR、KBS等国内外重要刊物上发表论文近百篇,以独立作者或通讯作者发表高质量期刊数十篇。在多个学术组织中任职




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