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时间:2018-11-30作者: 审核: 来源:经济管理学院点击:652

Selling research ideas through stories: Reflection on the preparation and publication process of a recent study in brownfield classification

Dr. Ginger Y. Ke

Faculty of Business Administration
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, NL, Canada A1B 3X5
Phone: (709)864-3469 Email: gke@mun.ca
The main purpose of this presentation is to address the problem of how to sell certain research ideas in a research manuscript. By using a recent study in the area of brownfield classification, the detailed process of preparing and publishing the manuscript is discussed. The abstract of this study is shown as follows.
Given the increasing number of brownfields in China, the Chinese government is now facing a huge financing gap in brownfield remediation projects. Accordingly, the authors present a framework that can assist a provincial government in classifying its brownfields so that the funding can be appropriately allocated. More specifically, the framework starts from constructing a criteria system based on the existing literature and expert opinions. Then, in consonance with the criteria system, a sample set of brownfields is measured by experts and then trained using a Dominance-Based Rough Set Approach to derive judging rules. After the validation, those rules are employed to generate an ordinal classification of the complete set of brownfields. The resulting ordinal classification provides the government with a sequence of brownfields from the highest priority to the lowest, which can support the government in budgeting and planning. Furthermore, as the number and conditions of the brownfields change over time, the criteria system and corresponding categories can be updated and reapplied at the beginning of each fiscal year (or each planning horizon) to facilitate the government’s decision making.  The proposed decision process can also be applied to assist the investment decisions of any brownfield stakeholders in other counties with limited funding based on their specific preference.

Dr. Ginger Y. Ke(柯奕)于暨南大学获得管理信息系统学士学位,于加拿大温莎大学获得工商管理学士学位,并于加拿大滑铁卢大学获得系统工程硕士学位及管理科学博士学位。现任加拿大纽芬兰大学商学院副教授(硕导、博导),并在加拿大滑铁卢大学管理科学系任兼职教授。2015年,她的研究项目“Transportation of Hazardous Materials: Management, Coordination, and Optimization”获得加拿大国家自然基金(NSERC)立项。她在学习及工作期间共在知名国际刊物及学术会刊上发表23篇论文,并在各类国际学术会议上做过二十余次研究学术报告,涵盖决策论、博弈论、运筹学、物流及供应链管理,部分论文刊登于European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society,International Journal of Production Economics,International Journal of Production Research,Transportation Research, Expert Systems with Applications, 及Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering等刊物,曾为Production and Operations Management, Transportation Research, International Journal of Production Research, Applied Mathematics and Computation,Naval Research Logistics等十多个国际学术刊物及会议刊物做过评审。




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