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时间:2018-10-19作者: 审核: 来源:经济管理学院点击:661

报告题目:Parking reservation with demand disturbances and reference effects

报告摘要:This paper considers an auction-based parking reservation problem where a parking management platform is the auctioneer and drivers are bidders. The platform is in charge of multiple homogenous parking spaces. A winner may leave earlier or occupy the parking space longer than the time he has reserved. The phenomena are called (ex post) demand disturbances, which can only occur after the last auction terminates. The platform may punish or compensate a driver who causes demand disturbance. We also investigate three types of driver behaviors: gain/loss neutrality, loss aversion, and gain seeking, and examine the reference effects. We propose an effective multi-stage Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (MS-VCG) auction mechanism. Expect for the disturbance makers, the MS-VCG auction realizes allocative efficiency, incentive compatibility, budget balance, and individual rationality. Computational results show that when there is no reference effect, both penalty and compensation increases with the number of bidders. If drivers are gain/loss neutral, the average utility of winners is highest, while the penalty and compensation are lowest, as compared with loss-averse and gain-seeking drivers. Besides, the total VCG payment received by the auctioneer increases with reference price.
报告人简介:徐素秀,博士,暨南大学教授、博导、工业工程系系主任。2008年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学数学系(哈尔滨),获理学学士学位;2011年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院,获管理学硕士学位;2014年毕业于香港大学工业及制造系统工程系,获哲学博士学位。徐博士曾担任香港大学工业及制造系统工程系博士后、讲师,“运筹学”和“金融工程”本科课程讲师。研究方向主要包括:智能物流服务网络优化、拍卖与机制设计、及智慧城市。徐博士主持了多个国家及跨国企业项目,包括:国家自然科学基金青年基金项目、香港RGC GRF项目、P&G SNIC 项目;以第一作者或通讯作者在相关领域发表了15篇A+ / A类国际期刊论文,其中近10篇发表在物流运输及运营管理领域A+类国际期刊,如 Production and Operations Management, Transportation Science, Transportation Research Part B, IISE Transactions。最近五年,论文在Google Scholar总被引近250次。徐博士是多个A+ / A类国际期刊的特约审稿人,包括Operations Research、Transportation Research Part B、Transportation Science、Transportation Research Part E、IIE Transactions、Production and Operations Management、International Journal of Production Economics、European Journal of Operational Research、Decision Support Systems等;并且徐博士还担任了国际期刊Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing的特刊编辑,多个国际会议的大会秘书和分会场主席。



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