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方黎平(加拿大瑞尔森大学)——Day-Ahead Electricity Spike and Price Forecasting

时间:2018-05-23作者: 审核: 来源:经济管理学院点击:270

报告题目:Day-Ahead Electricity Spike and Price Forecasting
报告时间:2018-06-02 14:00



方黎平博士是加拿大瑞尔森大学(Ryerson University)机械和工业工程系教授。2004年7月至2012年6月担任瑞尔森大学机械和工业工程系系主任; 2012年7月至2017年6月担任瑞尔森大学工程和建筑学院副院长。方黎平博士是加拿大工程院院士 (Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE)), 加拿大工程研究院院士 (Fellow, Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC)), 加拿大机械工程学会会士 (Fellow, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering),加拿大安大略省注册工程师。

方黎平教授长期从事管理工程, 工业工程, 系统工程等领域的研究。他的研究获得政府部门和私人企业的资助。他已出版两本专著,编辑两本专业书籍,在国际著名学术期刊和学术会议论文集发表论文一百五十多篇。2015年和2012年,他获得了电气和电子工程师协会系统,人和控制论学会杰出贡献奖(Outstanding Contribution Award, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society),2015年获得了电气和电子工程师协会系统,人和控制论学会会刊最佳编委奖(Best Associate Editor Award, IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society),2014年获瑞尔森大学Errol Aspevig 杰出学术领导奖(Errol Aspevig Award for Outstanding Academic Leadership, Ryerson University),2012年获运筹学暨管理科学学会能源,自然资源和环境分会,环境和可持续发展最佳论文奖 (ENRE Best Publication Award in Environment and Sustainability, Section on Energy,  Natural Resources, and the Environment (ENRE), INFORMS),他还获得2008年度瑞尔森大学杰出学者奖 (Ryerson-Sarwan Sahota Distinguished Scholar Award, Ryerson University),2006年度瑞尔森大学工程,建筑和理学院研究优秀奖(Research Excellence Award)。

方黎平博士于2008年8月至11月, 2017年7月至12月任京都大学文部省客座教授。现在担任五种国际杂志的编委, 包括电气和电子工程师协会系统, 人和控制论会刊-系统卷 (IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems) 。他曾担任2009年加拿大运筹学会/运筹学暨管理科学学会联合国际会议(Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS)/Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) Joint International Meeting)的大会主席,两次国际会议的学术委员会共同主席(Program Committee Co-Chair, Eighth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (2009); Program Co-Chair, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (2007)),及众多国际学术会议的学术委员会成员及专题会议组织者。

Dr. Liping Fang is Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada. He severed as Chair of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering (2004 to 2012) and Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs and Student Affairs, Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science (2012-2017) at Ryerson. He is Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (FCAE), Engineering Institute of Canada (FEIC), and Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (FCSME) as well as a registered Professional Engineer in Ontario.

Dr. Fang has actively carried out research and consulting activities in the areas of industrial engineering, systems engineering, engineering management, conflict resolution, agent-based modeling and simulation, personalization of e-services, environmental management, water resources management, resources allocation, risk analysis, decision analysis, reliability engineering, and decision support systems. His research has been supported by government agencies and private industry. Furthermore, he has published two books, two edited books, 68 refereed journal papers, six encyclopedia/yearbook articles, ten articles in edited books, 85 refereed conference papers, and 17 technical reports. Dr. Fang received the 2015 and 2012 Outstanding Contribution Awards from the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) Society; 2015 Best Associate Editor Award from the IEEE SMC Society; 2014 Errol Aspevig Award for Outstanding Academic Leadership from Ryerson University; 2012 ENRE Best Publication Award in Environment and Sustainability from the Section on Energy, Natural Resources, and the Environment (ENRE), Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS); Best Paper Award in the Symposium on Sustainable Development and Energy Availability at the 2009 IEEE Toronto International Conference on Science and Technology for Humanity (TIC-STH) (Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September 26-27, 2009); 2008 Ryerson-Sarwan Sahota Distinguished Scholar Award from Ryerson University; and 2006 Research Excellence Award from the Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Science, Ryerson University.

Dr. Fang was awarded a Monbukagakusho Kyoto University Visiting Professorship from August to November 2008 and from July to December 2017, respectively, to work on joint research projects and to deliver research seminars in Japan. He has served as an Associate Editor or Member of the Editorial Board of the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems; IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Magazine; International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management; International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering; and Systemics and Informatics World Network. He guest co-edited a special issue for the International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Group Decision and Negotiation, and Canadian Water Resources Journal, respectively. He served as General Chair of the Canadian Operational Research Society/Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences Joint International Meeting (Toronto, June 14-17, 2009) which had about 900 papers and 850 attendees, Program Committee Co-Chair of the Eighth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (Baoding, Hebei, China, July 12-15, 2009), Program Co-Chair of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (Montreal, Canada, October 7-10, 2007), Finance Chair of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) (Toronto, July 9-12, 2006), Co-chair of the Symposium on Industrial Engineering and Management, CSME Forum (Ryerson University, May 19-22, 1998), and a member of the Technical Program Committees for many international conferences. He has organized many special sessions for international conferences. He has been Chair/Co-Chair of the Technical Committee on Conflict Resolution, IEEE SMC Society since 1998, for which he received the Most Active SMC Technical Committee Award in October, 2007.

Liping Fang received the BEng degree in Electrical Engineering from Tianjin University, China, in 1982, and the MASc and PhD degrees in Systems Design Engineering from the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, in 1985 and 1989, respectively.



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