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殷允强(昆明理工大学)教授学术报告——A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for Two-agent Scheduling on Unrelated Parallel Machines with Total Completion Time and Weighted Number of Tardy Jobs Criteria

时间:2017-09-06作者: 审核: 来源:经济管理学院点击:208

题  目:A  Branch-and-Price Algorithm for Two-agent Scheduling on Unrelated Parallel Machines with Total Completion Time and Weighted Number of Tardy Jobs Criteria
报告人:殷允强        昆明理工大学 教授       
时  间:2017年9月8日(星期五) 10:00-11:00
地  点:江宁校区威尼斯wns·8885566办公楼704室
   This talk considers a two-agent scheduling problem in which each agent has a set of jobs competing with the other agent's for the use of m unrelated parallel machines. Each agent desires to minimize a certain scheduling criterion related to the completion times of its jobs.    The overall objective is to minimize the total completion time of the jobs of one agent, while keeping the weighted number of tardy jobs of the other agent within a given limit. We introduce a novel column generation approach for this problem to keep stabilization and embed it into a branch-and-price procedure. A greedy heuristic is used to obtain a set of initial columns to start the in-out column generation. The pricing subproblem in the column generation is formulated as a single-machine scheduling problem solved using dynamic programming techniques.  An efficient branching strategy compatible with the pricing subproblems is also proposed. Extensive computational results using randomly generated data demonstrate superior performance of this branch-and-price procedure to the standard method.
殷允强,昆明理工大学数据科学研究中心主任、教授、博士、博士生导师。2009年毕业于北京师范大学数学科学学院应用数学专业并获博士学位,2014年破格晋升为教授,2014-2016年连续入选爱思唯尔发布的中国高被引学者榜单,2015年入选云南省中青年学术和技术带头人后备人才计划。现担任昆明理工大学学术委员会委员,中国运筹学会排序专业委员会理事,中国运筹学会医疗运作管理分会理事,曾担任两个SCI 期刊特邀专题的Lead Guest Editor。殷允强教授长期致力于生产和物流运作管理领域的研究并取得了丰硕的研究成果,在NRL、Omega、EJOR、IJPE、IJPR、COR、JOS、IEEE Transactions on SMC等国际主流期刊发表SCI论文70余篇,其中SCI他引700多次,有4篇论文进入ESI高被引榜单。主持国家自然科学基金项目3项,中国博士后面上资助项目1项,其他省部级课题多项。





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