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时间:2017-05-15作者: 审核: 来源:经济管理学院点击:196

报告主题: 冲突分析、博弈论、多属性决策分析、风险分析和运筹学等

报告时间:  2017 年 5 月 18 日

报告地点:威尼斯wns·8885566将军路校区 东区经管楼A0405


(一)9:00‐9:40     Keith Hipel 教授(加拿大滑铁卢大学)报告

报告题目:Responsible Governance in a Complex World: A System of Systems Engineering Design 

报告摘要:An integrative and adaptive design for Responsible Governance is put forward for addressing large-scale complex problems facing society based on a System of Systems (SoS) Engineering framework that reflects the values of stakeholders using a participatory approach and achieves desirable systems goals such as resilience, sustainability and fairness. To demonstrate that this can actually be accomplished in practice, Singapore is employed as a remarkable example in which the nation was purposefully designed according to sound Systems Engineering principles resulting in a highly respected country that brings prosperity, fairness and fulfillment to its citizens and serves as a beacon of hope for other countries to emulate. In contrast to Singapore’s success, a range of tough interconnected systems problems are described for which systems solutions are urgently needed: the failed American financial system, unfair medical systems, unreliable aging infrastructure, self-induced climate change, preparing for extreme weather conditions like hurricane Katrina, fair trade and the electrical system collapse in North America. As is explained, the underlying cause for underperformance or system collapse in these large-scale problems is a faulty value system. Accordingly, ethical system values reflecting the values systems of stakeholders, including nature and future generations, constitute the solid foundations upon which Responsible Governance is constructed. Extensive research is urgently needed for developing a comprehensive theoretical structure for System of Systems Engineering for suitably solving current and emerging complex systems problems.


Keith W. Hipel教授现任加拿大滑铁卢大学资深教授、系统设计工程系冲突分析研究组主任、美国工程院外籍院士、加拿大工程院院士、IEEE学会会士、国际系统工程学会会士、美国水资源学会会士、美国土木工程师学会会士、加拿大工程院研究院院士、国际治理创新中心资深研究员、加拿大皇家科学院前院长、滑铁卢大学Renison学院董事会前任主席。Hipel教授长期针对社会、技术和环境等混合的复杂多学科体系问题,研究冲突消解、多准则决策分析、时间序列分析等决策方法及其在水资源管理、水文分析、能源、环境工程和可持续发展等方面的应用,共出版过4本专著、12本编著、290余篇期刊论文以及众多会议论文和百科全书章节。

(二)9:40‐10:20    陈剑教授(清华大学)报告

报告题目:Push, Pull, and Supply Chain Risk Averse Attitude


The literature has shown that supply chain performance is affected by the allocation of inventory risk. Conventionally, a pull supply chain generates a higher optimal order quantity and hence higher supply chain profit than a push supply chain when firms are risk neutral. Extended from the classic push and pull newsvendor models, this talk investigates the impact of firms’ risk averse attitudes on supply chain performance. Based on firms’ Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR), our analysis indicates that the conventional wisdom no longer holds, in that push can lead to a higher optimal order quantity than pull when the supplier is sufficiently more risk averse than the retailer. Meanwhile, pull contracts cannot always survive push challenge like in risk-neutral supply chains. We demonstrate that three-part tariff revenue sharing contracts can coordinate both the push and the pull supply chains to achieve the Pareto optimality maximizing combined supply chain CVaR.


1983年、1986年和1989年于清华大学分别获得学士、硕士和博士学位。现任清华大学经济管理学院联想讲席教授、教育部长江特聘教授、管理科学与工程系主任、教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地――清华大学现代管理研究中心主任,并被选为IEEE Fellow。主要研究兴趣包括:供应链管理、电子商务、服务运营、商务智能、决策分析、企业信息化等。作为负责人开展了三十多项研究课题,在国内外学术刊物上发表论文一百多篇。应邀在多个国际会议上做大会报告(Keynote/Plenary Speech),并应邀在美国宾西法尼亚大学、英国剑桥大学、加拿大滑铁卢大学、日本早稻田大学等十多国外大学作学术报告。主要的学术兼职有:中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会副理事长;中国系统工程学会副理事长;美国Production and Operations Management Society副理事长(2010-2012);中国信息协会常务理事;IEEE系统、人与控制论学会服务系统与组织专业委员会主任等;多个国际学术刊物的编委。担任十多个重要国际学术会议(包括:INFORMS/MSOM’2007, 2012 INFORMS International Conference)的主席或联合主席。

(三)10:30‐11:10   Ginger Yi Ke 教授(纽芬兰纪念大学)报告

报告题目:Optimizing the rail transportation of hazardous materials with considerations of travel speed and demand due date


This study investigates the routing and scheduling of rail shipments of hazardous materials (hazmat) in the presence of due dates. In particular, we consider the problem of minimizing the weighted sum of earliness and tardiness for each demand plus the holding cost at each yard, while forcing a risk threshold on each service leg at any time instant. FRA accident records, between 1999 and 2013, were analyzed to establish that train speed was the most significant factor in derailment. A mixed-integer programming model and two heuristic-based solution methods are proposed for preparing the shipment plan. Finally, the analytical framework is used to study and analyze a number of realistic-sized problem instances generated using the infrastructure of a Class I railroad operator.


Dr. Ginger Y. Ke is currently an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Business Administration at the Memorial University of Newfoundland (Masters and PhD supervisor) and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Management Sciences at the University of Waterloo. She holds a PhD in Management Sciences and an MASc in Systems Design Engineering from University of Waterloo, a BComm in Finance and Management Sciences from University of Windsor, and a BEng in Management Information System from Jinan University.

Dr. Ke’s research focuses on 1) managing the transportation of hazardous materials, and 2) the application of game theory to logistics and supply chain management. In 2015, her research project entitled “Transportation of Hazardous Materials: Management, Coordination, and Optimization” has received a Discovery Grant from Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). She has published research articles in various highly respected international journals, including European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of the Operational Research Society, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Transportation Research Part E, etc.

(四)13:30‐14:10   李登峰教授(福州大学)报告





现为福州大学威尼斯wns·8885566教授、工商管理研究院院长。“长江学者”特聘教授“百千万人才工程”国家级人选,并被授予国家“有突出贡献中青年专家”荣誉称号;享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家,“闽江学者”特聘教授。入选2014年度福建省高校领军人才资助人选、福建省第三批引进高层次创新创业人才(即“百人计划”)人选、福建省“百千万人才工程”、教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”。教育部《高等学校骨干教师资助计划》首批资助对象,中国博士后科学基金一等资助金获得者。获得第六届“全国优秀科技工作者”荣誉称号、第四届福建省优秀科技工作者荣誉称号。主要从事经济管理决策与对策(博弈)、运筹与管理等研究工作。主持包括国家自然科学基金重点项目1项面上项目4项在内的国家、省部级课题20多项。获得国家自然科学奖二等奖教育部科学技术奖自然科学奖一等奖等科研奖励26项。获得Springer资助出版英文版学术专著3部、国家科学技术学术著作出版基金等资助出版专著4部,其中1部专著入选第四届“三个一百”原创图书出版工程。在OMEGA、EJOR等国内外重要刊物上发表论文300多篇,其中SCI、SSCI、EI等收录200多篇次,他引6000多次。10篇论文为ESI数据库高被引论文。一篇论文获得2013 IEEE计算智能协会IEEE模糊系统会刊杰出论文奖。10多篇论文为期刊TOP25。连续入选2014、2015、2016年“中国高被引学者(Most Cited Chinese Researchers)榜单”。中国管理科学与工程学会、中国工业与应用数学学会理事,国家自然科学基金评审专家,教育部留学回国人员科研基金评审专家,全国学位与研究生教育评估专家。国际期刊International Journal of Fuzzy System Applications主编,IJIE、JSCA、AJOR、ORF等国际期刊编委。

(五)14:10‐14:50   殷克东教授(中国海洋大学)报告






(六)15:00‐15:40   杜纲教授(天津大学)报告








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